Crowder has over 70 years of experience in the construction industry. We have several CO-OP opportunities aiming to supplement our full-time hires or to give college students an edge in their job search.
to our training programs for technically challenging and diverse
scopes of work. We dig deep into means
and methods with
high levels of coordination for a quality construction product.
Most of our managers either CO-OP’d with us or someone else so we
believe in participating in a CO-OP program. Look HERE
for testimonials from our managers who participated in the CO-OP
program. Click HERE
for our training goals for each semester.
offer general contracting, industrial construction, and energy
services through Traditional,
Design-Build, Construction Manager at Risk, and Engineer, Procure and
Construct delivery
systems to the public, government, and private clients throughout the
Southeast. Our projects include: Bridges, Dams,
Electrical, Power, Fabrication, Federal, Heavy Foundations,
Industrial, Energy Services, Water and Wastewater Treatment and
Solar. Our available CO-OP positions span the Southeast, with
locations in NORTH
you're a current college student looking to prepare for a career in
one of our fields, we encourage you to apply
to our CO-OP program.
We look forward to showing you how we are Building America, and Proud
of It.®